


Two tablets and phone screen showing example MetLife emails, over colorful backgrounds.


Email enables ongoing communication and connection with our customers. Use the following guidance to help you design a new email campaign or template.


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Here are a few things to keep in mind and consider trying as you compose and design your emails.

Subject Line

  • Consider personalizing the email by using customers’ names in the subject line. Try to keep subject lines short and clear as a rule of thumb, and attention-grabbing whenever possible.
An example email subject line: “Mark, we’ve got options for you.”

Header & Footer

  • Consider a small branded accent at the top of the email, like a gradient bar or some graphic style.
Phone screen showing color accent at top of an email.
  • Use a transparent background logo image and with @media query swap logos when dark mode is enabled so that a dark-mode-friendly version appears.

  • Alternatively place the logo in a header graphic that’s the width of your email template, this allows you to have exact control over the logo and background behind it.
Phone screen showing an email featuring MetLife logo on white background and dark backgrounds

Keep headlines above the fold.

  • Try to keep headlines clear and concise so they do not get cut off, especially on mobile.

Consider following the standard footer content.

  • Required legal text.
  • Opt-out link, if you're designing a newsletter.
  • Copyright info.



Design emails to be mobile first with responsive layouts.

  • Keep content to a single column when possible.
  • Content created in two columns should resize to a single column in mobile views.
  • Keep images to a minimum. Email file size should be optimized for quick viewing on any device.

Use Circular and Noto Sans as web fonts when possible with Arial as a backup.

  • Web fonts can bring the brand to life for customers on modern email clients.
  • Email can be unpredictable, most customers will view content in Arial when web fonts are disabled.

Use text based content over graphics.

  • Pair back the use of branding and allow the focus to be on the content.
  • Using background images.
  • Placing typography or icons over focal points or multi-colored graphics.
Photo of father and son with superimposed text covering them.

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Email Components & Templates