Our illustrations help add visual emphasis to important content and clarify complex or difficult ideas. They are key storytelling devices that can be used along with (or instead of) photography, text, or data visualization illustrations should never be brand ambassadors or mascots.
Expressive Illustrations
Our expressive illustrations create visual impact with vibrant colors, gradients and layered shapes. They’re ideal for communicating prominent moments, like in heroes or on social media.
They represent optimistic and authentic human moments that resonate with our customers and colleagues.
They allow us to give special emphasis to particular objects or subject matter.
Use expressive illustration for brand or hero moments.
Find stock images to use as a basis for expressive illustrations.
Functional Illustrations
This simple style of illustration allows us to more easily explain and visualize complex topics and difficult subject matter. The approachable style is also perfect for situations that may be difficult to achieve with photography or type.
Explain difficult and complex subjects
These illustrations help us more clearly explain topics that are difficult to visualize; such as disease, death, and complex processes like experience design.
Showing our expertise
Our illustrations are purposeful and help us demonstrate our global expertise and commitment to our customers.
Use functional illustration to help explain subjects.
Our illustrations are an important way that we visualize our stories. Here are some general rules around how to use them successfully.
Communicate optimism.
When used with purpose, motion allows us to create more dynamic and relevant content for our customers.
Use simple motion.
Have a natural, real world feeling.
MetLife is committed to designing and developing digital experiences that all our customers are able to use. In your illustrations, be sure to only use combinations of graphics and type color that pass accessibility standards.
Account for screen readers when uploading illustrations.
Illustration is treated a bit differently in markets that have received a brand localization. Refer to the following pages for more illustration guidance by country.